Renowned filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola invested a substantial amount of money, reported to be over $100 million, into his latest project “Megalopolis.” Despite his significant financial backing, the film is projected to have a modest opening weekend at the box office, expected to earn only $5 to $7 million. To finance this ambitious endeavor and other ventures, Coppola borrowed against his wine business.
“Megalopolis,” a long-anticipated sci-fi epic set in a reimagined New York City, has garnered mixed reviews and faced controversy, with accusations of on-set misconduct and misleading marketing materials. Coppola’s financial strategy involved leveraging his wine business, including merging with Delicato Family Wines, which facilitated a $200 million loan for his creative pursuits.
While Coppola remained optimistic about the film’s commercial prospects, hinting at contingency plans such as a potential tax write-down, he acknowledged the uncertain nature of the film industry and highlighted his estate planning considerations due to his advanced age. Despite the challenges faced by “Megalopolis,” Coppola’s dedication to his passion project and innovative funding approach demonstrated his commitment to artistic vision and legacy.